This webpage is only for [Individual Registration].

Individual participants will do the competition [Online].
If you wish to register as [School Registration], please register with school teacher. Thank you.





Ini adalah halaman web MiMAS 【Pendaftaran Individu】.

Peserta secara individu akan menjalankan pertandingan secara atas talian.
Sekiranya anda ingin menyertai【Pertandingan Fizikal】, sila daftar dengan guru sekolah, terima kasih.


For Individual participant:

  • Competition Format - ONLINE COMPETITION ONLY
  • ONLY Mathematics category and Memory category has Individual participant.
  • Registration fee for individual participant are different with school registration.


  • 比赛形式 - 线上比赛
  • 个人报名只限报名【数学组】和【记忆组】。
  • 个人报名费用,根据网络报名系统,与学校报名费不同

Pendaftaran Individu:

  • Format : Pertandingan secara atas talian (online competition)
  • Pendaftaran individu hanya boleh mendaftar kategori matematik dan kategori memory
  • Yuran pendaftaran secara individu  berbeza dengan pendaftaran sekolah.


Device Requirements 设备需求:

  • Computer/Smartphone (Recommended with latest OS installation)
  • Microphone and Camera
  • A good internet connection (Minimum 1.5 Mbps)
  • Latest browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge)


Perkara perlu ambil perhatian:

No refund will be made due to the student's absence during the competition day.


Sekiranya calon tidak hadir peperiksaan pada hari pertandingan, yuran pendaftaran tidak boleh dikembalikan.


Students are not allowed to switch to another competition types after payments have been made, and no refund will be made.


Selepas calon mendaftar dan membayar yuran, tidak dibenarkan menukar kategori pertandingan, dan yuran pertandingan tidak boleh dikembalikan.


The registration will only be accepted once we received the competition payment.


Pendaftaran hanya akan diterima setelah kami menerima slip pembayaran.


Please fill in the details accurately. For amendments and reprint each certificate, RM20 will be charged for administrative and postage fees.


Sila isi maklumat dengan tepat. RM20 akan dikenakan untuk kos pentadbiran dan pos jika ingin meminda dan mencetak semula sijil.


If you have any question, please contact the teachers below.




Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi kami di talian.
Tel: 03-3325 9591

Whatsapp: 016-260 2991 (Ms. Teoh) / 016-260 4593 (Ms. Chai) / 016-260 2982 (Ms. Tan)